Thursday, 18 July 2013

There are many great souls that are running through my mind as I type this out.These great human being whom have been part of my random college-vacation nomad 'ing if there is such.I'm grateful I did so ,the sometimes uncomfortable bus trips and lovely foodie spots I got to discover in the local three cities I frequented more than made up for everything.They brought about opportunities to meet some interesting characters I got to meet as well as immerse myself in different trends amongst the spheres of fashion ,lifestyle ,food and architecture.Yeah you know you doing something right when you find yourself admiring spaces in a town that has always seemed to pretentious...With that said I found myself falling in love with my Durban all over again as I yearned for our day-to-day "Chilled Vibes"energy wrapped in classic, " All stars ,A vest, A pair of shorts and A pair of sunnies" .But amidst all I also got to strengthen my bond with some close life companions .Alot has been happening in terms of my head space (positive energy  has got a hold of me ) but I'm in awe of the possibilities and opportunities I am humbly creating for myself. I cannot show enough thanks for the opportunities that I have as well as the ones that shall come my way .At this point I pray for the man upstairs to give me the wisdom as well as talent to illuminate them in ways no other living soul can.Lead me to Greatness that is all I ask.....

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