Monday, 29 July 2013

You Are...We Are Durban Bloggers

A while back I made the conscious decision to drop out of the  Durban Champagne Sipping Brigade.A decision that was particularly hard as it mean't alot of people and acquaintances that  I had  come to considered friends had to be cut out.The cut was particularly hard as anybody who is a fan of truth and  growth will know that some people need to be let go in order to attain a certain state of mind.They may have been a part of a chapter that once in time defined you but I certainly refused for it to be part of my future.As a young gay black man I have become very aware of alot of things including the company I keep as in my now not-so new journey,relevance is not what I search for as I have found it to be fickle and rather distasteful as is not becoming. Instead one can search for other fulfilling ventures that make more sustainable sense and financially viable efforts.Social media platforms most definitely can be utilized much better and I'm slowly learning how. I've become the man I have always aspired to be who marches along to his own tune that not many can be afforded the opportunity to understand on a personal bases.It is joy to know that in ones life I have no more than 6 friends, that I invest dearly into as I see them not as just mere friends but more of Life Companions .

These souls are some of the most inspiring as well as creative beings one can ever have.I tell you they are the truth with their even brighter futures.One of them happens to be my "Geksi" lol...Known as Ackie Ndlovu ,who is a durban Blogger,Graphic Designer and business what-what-what .This coming month she hosts the first ever Durban "We Are Durban Bloggers"  which will see some of DBN young and not-so young lol bloggers come together in a space of creative sharing.I'm super excited having seen her plan this baby from inception to the beauty it shall be.I hope to see as many of Durban's blogger community reach out to this initiative.

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