Wednesday, 14 October 2015

I found a Spotless Mind

Dear Reader
It has been more than a year since I last visited this space. A space that I have a lot of blessings in my life due to it ,a bit of growing up had to be done before I could share my little experiences that I was going through  as I myself had got to a point of depletion . Those odd +/- 17000 views that had been loyal dwellers of this space will know that it has always been a space of honesty and truth. The inception of this space happened just when I had started my journey in university; do mind you I must have been a teenager at that time. All it ever promised to be was an online diary of a young teen. So all I had to offer this space was an opinion through my lens on topics such as life, music, growth, love and fashion. It’s when the numbers started coming in and I found myself landing jobs such as being a Regional Trend Spotter for a popular American cigarette brand, as well as heading/founding  up a social media campaign for a major retailer at that time  that I had to start taking this space and title of blogger seriously. It’s here I believe I lost it. As we all know in life there is never just one thing to focus on, my greatest battle at the time was that I was growing up and re-shaping my identity as well as re-questioning all that I thought I knew was cast in stone. A lot of fundamental shifts happened during those years but still I toiled on posting rather half-empty frivolous stuff on this space that I thought were relevant. Most of all that I assumed you wanted to read and know, as let’s face it circa 2012-2014 everybody fancied themselves a blogger/writer. It was only when all the truths that I had learnt about life and all in between through a very intense self-introspective journey (years)  I found out that I could no longer pollute the cyber space with my untruths in search of relevance and validification. My wondering had started to pay-off and questions that mattered dear reader were being answered.

The realisation that I had now turned this space which had been intended to be an online journal that never had the superficial solace of relevance/trends/fame /numbers ,into a space that had been reduced to “outfit-of-the-day” posts that carried zero depth brought me to a standstill .As the truth of the matter was that it mirrored how I as a person had sold myself to a being of empty appraisals and frivolous self. Do not get me wrong there is nothing wrong in indulging into the caresses of consumerist fashion and but what if these space could now cause more of a frenzy on more ideas of fashion with consciousness. What if more of our insta-bloggers and “stylists” made issues such as “fair traded” and “locally sourced” as relevant, as their “OOTD” posts.
But alas I at that time had amalgamated myself into a packet of all the gay stereotypes that could deem me popularity or a quick read. So I stopped blogging as I needed to replenish and focus on all the growing/transitions that were happening in my life but most of all I had to unlearn all that I had learnt to be .Feeding the digital manifestation of that person that I had become would have been self-destructing to the space I was trying to attain and call home.

Fast forward to now and ask me why I choose to re-enter this space? It’s mainly cause of the personal space that I now call home. It’s more allowing to share, as I now occupy spaces that I had always envisioned myself to occupy, as a multiple graduate and a maritime industry employee for a multi-national corporation who chooses to be enchanted by the flirtations of popular culture and fashion. I can now offer my opinions knowing very well that they are not searching for a hit. Although I would not say I have reached full capacity I have enough life experiences to offer nuances that hopefully shall probe you into asking yourself about your own journey.

Leading me to answer a question you might be asking yourself, as to what will this space offer that it has not? It’s simple I am not trying to re-invent the wheel nor am I looking for applause but rather want to invite you once more to join me on this journey as we both discover life,love,music,fashion and growth

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